Gabriel Delponte Artist Talk

Sep 23, 2015; 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm

Location: UCF Center for Emerging Media (500 W. Livingston Street)

Gabriel Delponte is coming to talk about his exciting project Bridge Me Japan!

He will give two talks:
Tuesday September 22, 12pm in the UCF Art Gallery
Wednesday September 23, 3pm at the Center For Emerging Media Downtown.

A contemporary artist’s cycling journey, north to south, in Japan in search of communication.”

In the 17th century Japanese poet Basho set out on foot across the country, composing haiku as nature and humanity along his path inspired and provoked him. During his Bridge Me Japan project, Argentinian born, Miami-Beach based contemporary artist Gabriel Delponte will traverse Japan by bicycle, embracing ancient and modern technological methods of communication and collapsing barriers between seemingly isolated and drifting cultural systems. Through interactions with inhabitants, Delponte will serve as a courier of information from place to place and from generation to generation. The Bridge Me Japan project will allow a global audience to communicate with Delponte online through an interactive website. Bridge Me Japan will culminate in a documentary film about transference and cultural communication.
